2024-2025 GSA Executive Team

Jayesh Kundu: President
Jean Peng: VP Operations
Reza Sohrabi: VP Finance
Shakib Mahamud: VP External
Mahsa Abarghouei: VP Academic

Senate Member
Zahra Esfandiari: Senate

President – Jayesh’s Bio

My name is Jayesh Kundu, and I am honored to serve as the President of the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) at Carleton University. As an international student, I deeply understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by students from diverse backgrounds. My own experiences have profoundly shaped my approach to leadership and advocacy, making me a dedicated and empathetic representative of our student body.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and have substantial experience as a Senior Systems Engineer in an IT company. Currently, I am pursuing a Master’s degree in Technology Innovation Management at Carleton University. This combination of technical expertise and strategic insight uniquely positions me to address the needs and aspirations of my peers.

As President, I am committed to ensuring that every student’s voice is heard and valued, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and empowered. I am passionate about advocating for policies and initiatives that cater to the diverse needs of our student body, including resources for cultural integration and opportunities for networking and job placements.

My goal is to build a vibrant community at Carleton University where every student can thrive. My leadership promises to amplify student voices and ensure that their experiences are respected. Together, we can make Carleton University a welcoming and inclusive place for all.

VP Operations – Jean’s Bio


Hi everyone! 


My name is Jean and I am the Vice President Operations of the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA). I am currently in my second year of my Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership. I was previously the GSA’s Peer Outreach Support Coordinator, where I hosted numerous events including weekly study sessions, office hours and creative workshops. I am passionate about supporting students while further improving the GSA as an organization. 


My goals this year are to improve the various programs offered by the GSA, focus on clarifying existing policies and closing policy-oriented gaps, continue supporting students through referrals and advocacy, and increase student involvement within the GSA to enhance graduate students’ experiences at Carleton University. I’m also hopeful to do events and meet fellow students!


In my spare time, I like to watch movies and cook! I’m also looking for opportunities to volunteer around the community and I’m always looking for new adventures! (like going bungee jumping one day!)

VP Academic – Mahsa’s Bio

My name is Mahsa, and I am currently serving as Vice President Academic at GSA. I hold a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and am pursuing a second Master’s degree in Technology Innovation Management. With a background in engineering, and management, and over five years of experience in data analytics, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to my role.


I am committed to fostering an environment where every student’s voice is heard and respected. Understanding the challenges that students may encounter, I strive to advocate for them, ensuring their concerns are effectively represented. My efforts include providing essential support to graduate students facing administrative challenges and guiding them to appropriate university services. I also focus on enhancing student involvement and enriching the campus experience through a variety of events, conferences, and workshops.


Beyond my academic and administrative responsibilities, I am actively involved in volunteering and attending various events and conferences. This engagement helps me stay connected with the latest trends and challenges in the educational and technological landscapes.

VP External- Shakib’s Bio

Hello Ravens,

My name is Shakib Mahamud. I am your Vice President External of the Graduate Student Association (GSA). Previously, I served as the Graduate Student Association Steward, where I worked tirelessly to foster an environment in which every graduate student feels supported and valued. My efforts concentrated on ensuring that every graduate student on campus had a secure and healthy work environment. 

This year, my primary goal is to expand the range of services and opportunities available to graduate students. These initiatives include providing training for skills development programs, offering financial education services, organizing events that present job opportunities, and facilitating access to the International Student Identity Card. Additionally, I am committed to maintaining strong relationships with our stakeholders and advocating for student interests to uphold Carleton University’s pride within the Canadian Federation of Students and beyond.

Let’s work together to make this a successful and enriching year for all graduate students.

VP Finance


My name is Reza Sohrabi. I am a doctoral candidate in Sociology, advocating for transparent activism, open dialogue, and community care. Since December 2021, I have been serving as the VP-External in the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA). In this role, I have collaborated with external organizations and communities to enhance the GSA’s efforts in supporting Carleton students’ campaigns and strategies. Subsequently, I served as an external board member of the GSA in 2022 and have been working as an office administrator within the GSA, focusing on administration and financial tasks. In 2023, I was elected as Vice President of Finance, where I am part of the team working to minimize the GSA’s operational costs. Having worked in various positions within the GSA, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of the organization and its challenges. My close collaboration with the finance department in recent years has provided me with significant experience as Vice President of Finance. As inflation and the cost of living continue to impact student life, my focus will be on lobbying and advocating for increased grants, bursaries, and scholarships for graduate students, especially international students. Additionally, my goal is to reduce the operational costs of the organization and focus on more sustainable ways of utilizing student funds within the community.