Notice of GSA Elections
The GSA 2025 General Elections voting period will take place from April 9-10 2025. Our Elections are held to elect the GSA Executive Committee. We also host the elections for the representatives on the Carleton University Senate and Graduate Faculty Board.
Members should take note of the following information:
Election Platform
The GSA elections are hosted online using the OIRP voting software administered by Carleton University. Elections results will be tabulated through the software and share to the Elections Officer who will then announce them.
Get Involved, Run Today!
It is important to keep yourself informed as a voter throughout the general elections; continue consulting this website as more information becomes available!
Interested in running for a vacant position in the upcoming elections? File your candidacy today!
Please view the important dates below:
📅 March 19 – March 30: Nomination Period
Submit your nomination form by email to [email protected].
Forms available at
📅 March 31 – April 7: Campaign Period
Get to know the candidates by engaging with their platforms. Ask questions and participate in discussions about your future representatives on campus.
📅 April 7: All Candidates Forum
Join us in person or on the GSA Instagram & Facebook Livestream to ask questions, hear candidates debate, and make an informed decision on who you’re voting for.
Location and time details will be updated on the GSA website.
📅 April 9-10: Voting!
Keep an eye out for an email from ORIP with link to vote.
Make your voice heard by casting your vote for the next GSA Executive Committee.
Send your nomination forms to the Chief Electoral Officer: [email protected]
Important Documents:
Elections Rules
GSA Constitution
GSA By-Laws
Executive Duties
Nomination Form