GSA Carleton Stands In Solidarity with Bangladesh Students

The Graduate Students’ Association at Carleton University stands in solidarity with the brave students of Bangladesh who are courageously advocating for justice, equality, and fundamental human rights despite facing state-sanctioned violence and political...

GSA Nomination Period For Elections 2023!

It is GSA Carleton Election Nomination Time! Are you a current graduate student? Are you interested in running for a VP or President Position? How would you advocate for the graduate student experience? All nominations must be currently registered graduate students at...

Statement on London Terrorist Attack

On June 6th, a Muslim family was targeted in what can  only be described as premeditated terrorist attack in London, Ontario. Three generations of the Afzaal family were brutally murdered in the attack, leaving a young child in intensive care. This was an act of...

Statement on 215 Children

On May 27th, 2021, The Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation announced the discovery of a mass burial site, located on the grounds of former Kamloops Indian Residential School, containing the remains of 215 children. While the genocidal horrors of the Residential School...