GSA Carleton is in solidarity with early childhood education workers, IT professionals, custodial staff and all those affected by the unconstitutional behavior of Doug Ford towards the right to organize, unionize and negotiate in good faith.

The use of the non withstanding clause is being utilized to bully and silence the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) education workers. We fully support their walk out on Friday, November 4th and see that all education workers are in need of living wages, safer working conditions alongside the right to organize. It is in bad faith that the Premier and Minister of Education who have both received a recent $16,000 bonus insists upon forcing a contract upon those placed in a position of having a second job to meet basic living expenses among increasing rates of inflation. 

GSA Carleton encourages our community to participate in actions across the city demanding or equitable working conditions in education. To find your nearest picket line visit the website and enter your address to see where CUPE will be on November 4th, 2022.

Keep an eye out on our social media pages Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and our website for more information about ways to get involved.

In Solidarity,

GSA Carleton